Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Sitting here this morning in the quiet of my living room I am reminded yet again why I love North Dakota. I love the peacefulness and the beautiful. I love the safety and security. And the more I think about it – what I love is being right where God wants me to be, do exactly what He wants me to be doing. I am content.

I think it is heartbreaking to see so many people that are not content with what they have – whether that be in their family, their friends, their church, their jobs, or their possessions. They are missing out on so much. They spend so much time wish for “whatever” that they miss the beauty of the day they are living.

Each day is a gift of God and I am not going to ruin this gift by worrying or fretting or trying to change the future (that I am not even promised.)

So, as I sit here looking out my window I am counting my blessings and enjoying the day....with whatever it holds!! I pray that you take time to do the same.

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