Monday, November 17, 2008

A New Week

Yep, it’s the start of another week.
I must admit that I don’t really hate
Mondays. I’m probably strange, but
I actually enjoy them....they are the
Start of a new week!!!
For me this week will be a very busy one.
As of my last post my assignment list was at 8. This morning I am down to 6. Here is what is left ( with dates that I am attempting ot have them done by):

1. Submit Executive Summary section of Business Plan (Tonight – the 17th)
2. Submit completed draft of Business Plan (Thursday – the 20th)
3. Complete detailed Strategic Plan (Saturday – the 22nd)
4. Conduct peer evaluation for draft Business plan (Monday – the 24th)
5. Submit final business plan, hard copy of plan, Powerpoint, and video presentation (In other words ~~ the completed thesis) Our group is taping on the 29th.
6. Complete peer evaluation for final Business Plan (Sunday – the 30th)

If I can stay on track I will have completed everything by December 1st!!!! Pray for me – this is a very tight timeline and a lot of major work that needs to be done to accomplish it.

I started my 2009 Bible Reading Schedule this morning ~ and yes, I do know that I’m a little ahead of the game here. I must admit that I didn’t do very well in the daily reading department this year and I want to do better. So....instead of waiting for January – and continuing to put it off – I have started today!!

Things I Will be doing Today:

Conference meeting from 10am – noon
School with kids
Racquetball with Nick at 5pm
Making beef stroganoff for dinner tonight
Get assignment turned in before midnight
Watch some football with my hubby (while doing assignment)

1 comment:

Susan said...

I love Mondays, too! You sure do have a lot on your plate right now, but it will be all done soon and you can sit back and relax a little.

I don't blame you for starting early with your Bible reading. I did ok this year, but I still want to do better.