Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Labor Day!!!

Elisabeth asked me what we are celebrating on Labor Day. My answer....."I'm not really sure."

Growing up in CA Labor Day was the last holiday before school started again. (In ND it's the first day off for the public schools, since they start in August.) As I grew up Labor Day was a day off from work and a time that signified the end of summer. So, when Elisabeth asked that question I decided we would find our answer together ~~ Internet here we come!!!!

We had a great time searching sites to find our answer. Here is some of what we found out:

Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that takes place on the first Monday of September.

The origins of the American Labor Day can be traced back to the Knights of Labor in the United States and a parade organized by them on September 5, 1882 in New York City.

Labor Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in September in the United States since the 1880s. The September date has remained unchanged, even though the government was encouraged to adopt May 1 as Labor Day, the date celebrated by the majority of the world.

Labor Day is generally regarded simply as a day of rest.

Forms of celebration include picnics, BBQs, fireworks displays, water activities, and public art events.

Families with school-age children take it as the last chance to travel before the end of summer.

One of the largest modern traditions of Labor Day in the United States is the annual telethon of the MDA, hosted by Jerry Lewis to fund research and patient support programs for the various diseases grouped as muscular dystrophy.

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