Saturday, December 02, 2006

What a Night.....

It all started about 10 years ago - when I was pregnant with Elisabeth....and since that time it has only gotten worse ~~~~ INSOMNIA!!!!

At first we just thought it was due to the pregnancy, but obviously that is not the case anymore, considering the last time I was pregnant was 7 years ago.

When I say "insomnia" I'm not talking about an occasional night of inability to sleep. I think I could learn to live with that. For me it is an every night thing - and some nights, like last night, are worse than others.

The doctor's call what I have "chronic insomnia," and for years we have been trying to find something that would help. A typical night of sleep for me is 4 to 5 hours (and not all at one time.) But last night would be what I call a BAD NIGHT. Last night I got about 2 hours of sleep - in 15 to 20 minutes spurts.

I know becoming frustrated with the situation doesn't help, so I do my best to lay in bed and rest - and it is also a great time to pray.....I did lots of praying last night.

Finally, at 3:30am I gave up and GOT UP. I know I'm a morning person ~ but not THAT MUCH of a morning person!! Oh well, at least I can say the Lord and I had a wonderful morning together.

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