Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Mrs. B Asked......

Mrs. B, over at Be Not Conformed (I'd put a link here, but I don't know how) asked on her blog......

What is your *most favourite* housekeeping duty and why?

What is your *least favourite* housekeeping duty and why?

I actually have 2 favorites ~~ I love to dust and vacuum!!! I don't know why but I do. I love seeing vacuum lines in the carpet and the shine on the furniture. I do both at least once a day!!!!

My LEAST favorite ~~~~ folding clothes! I am so glad that Elisabeth and Brett both REALLY LIKE IT. I let them do it to thier hearts content.

How about you????

1 comment:

abrightnewdawn said...

Least favorite, scrubbing the bathtub/shower walls...UUugghh.
Most favorite, doing dishes/cleaning counters. SOOOO satisfying!!